
Wedding ring

Some years ago I came across a fantastic jewelry designer called Antonio Piluso. I fell in love with  the unpolished gold and ever since I've looked for that particular finish...

... I also know 4 people who have jewellery that he has designed and I've always adored the pieces.

Now when it became time to start to look at wedding rings... Francesco and I visited a lot of different shops but always walked out unsatisfied. I had already decided that I will start to keep my engagement ring on the right hand because it does not fit with any other ring. Which I am happy for- I love it more than anything! And it should be alone in its' brilliance :)

Anyhow. I tried on the ring at Pilgio's that I always loved and decided there and then that it will be the one for me. Antonio will obviously make a new one with a few adjustments according to my taste. But I am so happy :) I will gladly eat rice every day for a month to save up for it ;)

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