
Cardamom Coffee

Before the Christmas holidays for almost every weekend we had something to do. There were parties and dinners and trips and we had many guests visiting us. I loved it and it was great but during the holidays I promised myself to have some me-time in January. For the first weekends I just read books and enjoyed all kinds of movies and spent a lot of hours in the gym. Until last week when I noticed that I was bored and I wanted some pace again.

For this weekend I had so many fun things planned; dinners out with friends, an Architecture studios' birthday party, making sushi and shopping but on Friday before lunch I started to feel a sore throat and by Friday afternoon I was lying on the couch unable to move without it hurting everywhere. Even my hair hurt.

And guess what- I'm still here on the couch. Under the blanket and feeling sorry for myself for missing out all the fun.

I have been watching Sex and The City again (the last seasons) and both the movies and I just get so irritated at Carrie! What is her problem? But it's been a great inspiration for holiday style (especially Mexico and Abu Dhabi) and together with a cardamom coffee I have been exploaring what Internet has to offer. Yes, cardamom coffee. After I drunk it in a Libanese restaurant I got hooked. I add a teaspoon of cardamom into my espresso and I love it!

And t suits very well my googling about Marrakesh and Istanbul.

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