
Easy Jet? Never Again!

To all of my readers and to anyone who will google Easy Jet and finds this page,

Please consider twice before travelling with EasyJet. I will tell my story, because I believe in good customer service and I believe in companies that makes profit on honest business methods. What I hate mostly on earth is rudeness, liars and companies that only want money, without caring what their business actually is.

I flew from Barcelona to Milano, Malpensa yesterday (27/2/2011, flight EZY2768). At the airport of Barcelona four EasyJet airport personnels were working with the rudest manners I have ever heard of. I hope EasyJet will provide some customer service training for the personnel, because in this way customers will choose other flight companies.

EasyJet promises that you can have a hand luggage on the airplane. As all of us passengers had. In the exact size as is allowed. For some reason, the airport personnel wanted to take all hand luggage in the airplane’s hold. This was not informed to us in any nice way, but the personnel started to take the baggage from our hands and put stickers on them. When we in the queue had questions about what was happening to our belongings the personnel answered rudely “I’m not interested, I’m just doing my job” and “You are too many so we have to take your bags!”. So imagine yourself in this situation, you have a bag with your own precious things, a guy rips it off your fingers and when you ask what he is doing, he answers " I’m not interested, I’m just doing my job" !!! You don't know why he does it and you wouldn't want a stranger just taking your stuff. This is anyway what happened.

I think in situations like this it would be proper to explain to the flyers, make it up to them, take care of them and not just rudely act like bandits.

The screen on the airport said “boarding” at the time when it should have started to board the passengers. We all made a queue and waited to get on the plane. Except that the plane was not there. It hadn’t arrived yet. We did not know this as it was not informed in any way so we had to queue for an hour! I can assure you that it is not fun to just stand and wait without knowing the timetable.... for whole 60 minutes!

When people started to ask the personnel if they knew when we would leave, they didn't give a proper answer. Only rude comments like "wait and shut up".

Can't EasyJet inform about times as other flight companies? Couldn't we have had the possibility to sit, have a coffee or sleep?

When the airplane finally arrived and the passengers’ came out from it, the personnel started to check our passports and boarding passes WITHOUT letting us into the plane, as the other ones came out. So after our checks we were left in the waiting area, as like before. When we finally could board, no checks were done again. So anyone could have walked into the plane, as nobody was checked anymore and people who were sitting on benches and hadn’t shown their documents boarded the plane without being registered. This seemed all very unsecure and caused a bit of fear in passengers. Was this procedure even legal?

When we finally landed, way too late and walked to the baggage claim I got an even bigger shock. My hand luggage came towards me on the claim looking as if it would have been on a wheel (?) as it was worn completely, big holes in the canvas, a bit burned on the edges, my jeans hanging out as small pieces of trash, my underwear black and dusty. The bag was without wheels and torn from the middle.

I want to inform that after this kind of experience I will never fly with EasyJet again. I will gladly pay 40-50 euro more for a flight company that takes care of me, speaks to me politely and does not destroy my belongings.


aks said...

Very true, Easy JET was also responsible for destroying my Luggage by breaking the wheel base, when I had traveled from London to Milan.

Saara said...

Ashanka! Did you get any refund???

Leena said...

Oh shit, I'm just thinking of taking EasyJet flight from Toulouse to Paris and back, probably next week. Maybe not...

Was there eventually ANY explanation on the not being able to have hand baggage with you in the cabin?

Kwil said...

what!?!! that is awful!! have you contacted their head office about all of this??

Saara said...

Leena: Nope. Siis tilanpuute. Tosin oli siellä sitten tilaa vaikka kuinka, että en tiedä oliko se valhe?!

Kristy: I contacted 3 different Customer Service places, one a complaint about the bag, one about the things inside it and one about the service. If things are not soon starting to get better I will start to make a mess!

Leena said...

Hmm, mun täytyy vertailla vielä hintoja, että kannattaako se EasyJet sittenkin jos on tooosi halpa. Tosin, kyllä mäkin maksan muutaman kympin enemmän paremmasta palvelusta ja siitä, ettei matkatavarat mee ihan säleiksi. Ja kun on niin lyhyt matkakin tiedossa, että menee pelkillä käsimatkatavaroilla. Tai siis menee muilla lentoyhtiöillä... :D

Hei, kerro sit, miten kävi. Keep us posted!

Saara said...

Leena: no nyt oon saanu mailin, että mulle ollaan lähettämässä uutta matkalaukkua ja sen pitäisi saapua 7 päivän sisällä ja sitten mun valitusmailiin vastattiin vaan että voivoi ja toivomme hartaasti että ensi kerralla menee paremmin ja blaaah ja mun matkatavaroiden korvauksista ei oo kuulunu mitään. Annan vielä vähän aikaa ja sitten alan riehua! :)

Leena said...

No hyvä että edes matkalaukun korvaa. Hah, varmaan ensi kerralla valitset jonkun muun lentoyhtiön. :)

Mä varasin EasyJetiltä lennot TLS-Pariisi, kun on pikanen 2 päivän visiitti ja seuraavaksi edullisimmat lennot olis yli 100 euroa kalliimmat. Mielenkiinnolla odotan miten käy... Pelkällä käsimatkatavaralla ajattelin mennä, mutta taidan jättää läppärin kämpille, ettei tule damagea. Oli kyllä aika pitkät sopimusehdot lipun ostamisessa.