My head is a mess at the moment. My dog is old and suffering but will get some peace on monday and sleep for forever. I should print out my almost finished thesis and listed to the doom of my professors. There was a mistake with my last exam, they first told me about a good grade but no. Now I need to do it again. I miss my boyfriend and I miss the sun.
I'm anyway happy. And I don't know if it's okay. But I'm happy because there is a new start. A new life style. New surroundings, new dreams, new hopes and a lot of excitement.
Jag har också lite ups and downs - jag tror att det är speciellt vanligt då man skriver thesis. Skulle jag studera psykka skulle jag helt klart skriva gradu om graduangst (!). Ibland känns det som att man är on top of the world och ibland har man INGET självförtroende, de e otroligt. Lite som ett helt år av PMS xD
Laura: oj, den gradun skulle vara tuff! Och säkert mycket läst! Ett helt år av PMS... I know.
So sorry to hear about your pup. Tend to feel so helpless and broken when an animal is not well or aging and suffering. :(
I too hope the sun comes out soon. I am so excited for spring.
Kwil: It's really hard right now, especially when nobody else (who doesn't have a dog or other animal) seem to understand me. Anyway, I need to be strong and time will heel :)
Hello, got to ask you where did you find that beautiful picture/card with the rollercoaster text?
It is made by a nick "eco-chic2 on Polyvore. It was founbd through google:
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