
Happy 2014!

Happy New Year! We celebrated at Fabio's and Margherita's with Silvia, Tommy, Samuele and Elena and it was great! Drinks, great food, amazing music, a good view over Milan with all it's fireworks and then we all danced for hours!

I have a lot of dark, blurry pictures of fireworks and dance moves and this insanely stupid pictures of us making a toast but I don't care- 2014 will be sooooo great!!!!


Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Happy new year sweetie! Sounds like a fabulous night! xo

Saara said...

Thanks Shannon- I wish you all the BEST for 2014! After a tough year there will be a GREAT one!!!

Anonymous said...

Wau! Sun hiukset on tosi nätisti laitettu sekä värikin on hyvä. Toivottavasti itsekkin jaksaisin joskus laittaa kiharoita :) T. Petra

Saara said...

Kiitos Petra :) Mulla kestää ehkä 2 min kiharoiden laittamiseen eli se on aina sellanen pikakunnostuksen look :)