
Ihana välipalaresepti

Tykkään kovasti näkkäristä ja syön palan tai kaksi päivässä jotta saisin kuituja, vitamineeja ja kivennäisaineita. Eilen ruokaostoksilla en poiminutkaan mukaan vakiopakettia vaan katsoin huvin vuoksi jos hyllyltä löytyisi jotain uutta ja hauskaa. Arvatkaa jos pompin tasajalkaa ja taputtelin käsiäni ihastuksesta kun luin paketin kyljestä kanelinäkkileipä!

Tänään olin oudon luova välipalaani tehtäessä ja siivutin puolikkaan viikunan kanelinäkkärin päälle, lisäsin teelusikallisen hunajaa, muutaman saksanpähkinän ja rosmariinia. Oli ihan mielettömän hyvää mantelimaidon kanssa!


Senaste Instagrams

1. Skulle kunna fotografera stadshuset pelare och valvbågar i timmar.
2. Tog med mig frukost från Bröd & Salt till jobbet då jag inte ville stöka hemma då Giulia & Marco sov. Gillade deras logo :)
3. Stockholms smalaste väg. Hade ingen aning om dess existens före jag på skoj läste LonelyPlanet.
4. Hade brist på strumpor så tänkte pigga upp hösten med ett antal Happy Socks.
5. Har blivit helt beroende av sushi igen. Det går i perioder.
6. Jag älskar att spela bordsspel. Det har vi alltid gjort hemma och blir alltid lika ivrig då endel vänner också gillar det. Här Munschkin. Ett såååååå roligt spel att man får gapskratta.
7. Globen.
8. Flög till Sundsvall igår med en SAAB 2000. Tyckte det var superhäftigt så flygnörd som jag har blivit. SAAB 2000 är SAABs sista egna civila flygplansmodellen Saab utvecklade och en av de snabbaste turbopropflygplanen med en hastighet på 665 km/h :) Instagrammade bilden och Saabnation gillade den- geekheten i höjderna igår alltså..!
9. Text på en av loungerna på  den nya superfina Tele 2 Arenan.


Birka- The Viking City

Last weekend we also visited Birka together with Fra, Giulia and Marco.

Birka is situated on an island called Björkö and was an important trading centre during the Viking Age. Birka is archaeologically a great place to visit because there are over 3000 untouched Viking Age graves and many diggings and archeological findings. 

We walked around on a guided tour, saw some archeologist digging up a grave and wondered about all kinds of findings in the museum. Besides being Sweden's oldest city (apparently older than Sigtuna- that is considered Sweden's first city? Well. Swedes.) it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993.

If not anything else- an amazing nature to take part of.


Greetings from the land of paracetamol, oranges, fever thermometers and handkerchiefs- the autumn flu has arrived. And is there anything more boring?

Before I got into this state we spent some time with our friends Giulia and Marco in Stockholm. We checked out the old town's science fiction bookstore, walked on Stockholm's most narrow street, checked out the city hall and sat there in the sun for a while. When the flu got worse we played Munschkin for hours and cooked food at home. 


Sunnuntain aamuajatukset

Löysin hauskan reseptin, jota kokeilin eilen kanan seuraksi: herneitä (laitoin jäisiä herneitä paistinpannuun valkosipulinkynsien kera ja poistin valkosipulit sulamisen jälkeen) joiden sekaan laitoin manteleita, valkoviinietikkaa (ihan pikkutilkan), mustapippuria ja suolaa. Oikein maukasta ja hauska uusi yhdistelmä :)

Tazan blogista löysin 2 hauskaa asiaa:
1. Ashton Kutcherin Teen Awards- kiitospuheen 
2. Valokuvia ballerinoista "normitilanteissa". Lemppari: lentävä aasialainen :)

Perjantai-iltana kävin Nicolan, Stefanian, Lorenzon, Antonion, Utkumin, Bettan ja Fran kanssa sushipaikassa jossa oli todella hyvää sushia. Paikan nimi on Murasaki. Vinkiksi Tukholmanmatkustajille.

Eilen kävin Bettan, Alicen, Diegon, Nadinen ja Fran kanssa kulttuuritalolla kuuntelemassa esitelmää Tukholman arkkitehtuurista ja kuuntelimme myös keskustelua kestävästä rakentamisesta. Sen jälkeen menimme tapas-paikkaan nimeltä Cucaracha, jonne myös Stefania liittyi joukkoon. Tapakset olivat mielettömän hyviä mutta espanjalaiset paikanomistajat tekivät työnsä niin rennosti että saimme ateriamme nenän eteen kello 22:30!

Nyt lähden työmatkalle Saksaan, matkan nimi on "olutta, schnitzeliä ja hätävalaistusta" ja seuranani on 9 ukkoa. Huhhu ja huokaus :)


Travelling Essentials

During my work weeks I travel. The trips are never short enough that I wouldn't need any cosmetics with me and never long enough that I would like to pack big bottles and check in my luggage. In the weekends we also travel a lot between Italy and Finland so in the end some kinds of routines starts to develop. What to pack and how and in the fastest time possible.

For a long time I used a plastic travel kit for cosmetics from Muji filling up whatever shampoo I was using at that time but that didn't turn to be the best choice for this girl- whose most frequently used word is "woops". Balsam instead of shower gel and I think you get the picture :)

So now I have a new system and I really like it! I have stored all small bottles (that I have bought as travel kits, picked up in hotels, gotten as a tester in cosmetic's stores or even testers from magazines) in just one basket. Now every time I travel I can choose which product I want to take with me- making the experience a bit more fun- but at the same time a fast way to pack.


VanMossevelde +N

Behövde för en arbetsuppgift söka fram en bra bild på arkitekten Matteo Thun och hamnade på fotografen VanMosseveldes sidor och hittade dessa porträtter. Tyckte så mycket om dessa svartvita bilderna på äldre män att jag bara måste få visa upp dem här. Visst har de en fantastisk charmig känsla i sig med de ljusgråa bakgrunderna och mörka kostymsjackorna? Visst kan man se att dessa tre män har mycket de tänker på?


Soul Kitchen

We recently watched a German comedy called Soul Kitchen and it was quite good so I wanted to tell about it. It has received some prize at the Venice film festival in 2009. It is a movie with nice shabby chic venues and enjoyable music! Humour and love- just a nice good-mood movie that will make you smile.

Senaste dagarnas instagrams

1. När man får besöka så här underbara ytor och berätta hur man skulle lösa belysningen-  just då älskar jag mitt jobb.
2. Vindkvarn på Utö.
3. Fra, pappa och jag var på kvällspromenad och även om den här bilden inte är så fin så skulle jag gärna gå runt Södermalm och bara fota en kväll. Hammarby Sjöstad och Luma ser såå fint ut!
4. En massa båtar gjorda i Finland som finns i Stockholms skärgård! Här Swan Regattan.
5. På lyktstolpar hittar jag roliga texter om och om igen.
6. Beckholmen. 
7. Thaibåten. Den exotiska delen av Stockholm.
8. :)
9. Läser en urbra bok för tillfället som känns svartvit. Mera om den då jag läst klart.


Retki Utöhön

Isä on Tukholmassa kylässä ja eilen päätimme tehdä yhdessä retken Tukholman saaristossa Utöhön asti. Olen käynyt Utössä lapsena mutta en tunnistanut paikkoja. Retki oli oikein mukava, aurinko paistoi ja matkan aikana tuijoteltiin vaikka minkälaisia kesävilloja, riippukeinuja, pitsimökkejä ja jämäkkiä laitureita.


Utössä lounastimme oikein hyvää ruokaa Utö Värdshusetissa, kävimme katsomassa vanhaa tuulimyllä ja kaivoksia. Itse sain kaksi nuorta tyttöä kiinnostuneita geokätköilystä. Olivat kesätöissä tuulimyllyllä ja valittivat työtä tylsäksi niin kerroin heille mikä on geocache appi ja molemmat latasivat sen silmät kiiltäen. Kerroin että olin juuri löytänyt myllyn nurkalta yhden kätkön ja että Utössä on monia muita :) Eivät malttaneet odottaa että löytäisivät ensimmäisen!


aikuisten balettihame

En ole omistanut mitään tyllistä tehtyä sitten balettituntien mutta jo muutaman syksyn ajan olen pohtinut että olisipas hauskaa pukeutua syyssaappaiden ja villapuseron kanssa tyllihameeseen! 

Etsiskelin nettikaupoista koko sunnuntai-iltapäivän tuloksetta ja aloin jo luopua toivosta kunnes löysin Etsy.Comista puolalaisen naisen joka tekee mittatilauksella tyllihameita :) Olen nyt sitten tilannut omani ja odotan innolla että 2-3 viikon päästä saisin sen...

.. Jos se on kiva ajattelin käyttää sitä seuraavissa häissä korkokenkien ja soman topin kanssa sekä syksymmällä nahkasaappaiden ja villapuseron kanssa. Jos se jostain syystä ei olekaan kiva voihan sitä aina pitää alushameena :)


Sigtuna- vacation part 8

Sweden's first and oldest city Sigtuna lies just about an hour away from the Stockholm city centre so when we found sunny weather here on our return we decided to finally visit the old city.

When we got there we saw the old Town Hall but it was under construction. We peeked a bit inside from the open door and a very old cute woman welcomed us to the 12 o'clock tour! We had no idea there was a tour every hour but she was extremely funny and adorable and told us all about the building and the history of the city! A perfect start on our Sigtuna visit!

We then ate some lunch on the square watching people buy groceries on the market...

After lunch we passed the cafeteria Tant Brun- a house from the 17th century!

And walked down to Mälaren- the big lake of Stockholm.

I was apparently really happy :) I don't know if it was because of a perfect vacation day or because of all the geocaches we found but this crazy picture was in Fra's iPhone...

Then we saw a music stage from the 19th century that looked like a space ship.

Then we walked to the bell tower...

See some old church ruins, this one is St Pers kyrkoruin.

And this one St Olofs kyrkoruin.

And read some runes on the way.

And that's about it. An adorable little place with a lot to see.


Details - vacation part 7

1. Ironically IKEA is really fashionable in Milan. Here we had dinner with Giulia and Marco at Seven Steak House.
2. Notre Dame du Fourvier at Lyon.
3. We also did some geocaching. This time geocaching brought us to see a geological phenomena, where water goes underground in Katavothres, climbs up to Karavomylos and out to the sea again. The water is able to climb up because of different densities in sweet and salt water.
4. I just liked the colors so I snapped this one of Fra.
5. I love the cosmetics brand Korres. Somewhere around Greece I remembered that Korres is Greek! So I bought some products from the pharmacy... travel sizes and half of the price :) And products that I hadn't even heard of!
6. Many of the orthodox churches were really nicely decorated.
7. Coffee in Milan on the way to the Museo di Scienze Naturali to watch some amazing animals.
8. An adorable aperitivo place in Corfu town.
9. These are Fra's vespas that have been standing in a garage for a year now waiting for some action. Now we decided to take them into pieces, sandblast them, re-paint them and clean up and fix everything and take them to Stockholm! The blue 125 Primavera from 1981 is mine (a special edition with 144 000 made) and the GS150 from 1964 is Fra's. The -64 will become white with brown seats but the Primavera will stay blue- so they will be in original colors.

1. Somewhere in the south of Corfu it looked like we were in the desert.
2. One of the greatest places on Kefalonia, a house made of bambu with a hammock inside looking over the turquoise bay!
3. At the beach, under the head scarf and under the motorbike helmet I kept my hair braided so it wouldn't suffer- which means I finally learned to do a french braid for myself!
4. The amazing Palokastritsa, beaches only reachable by boats.
5. Turquoise details everywhere. 
6. I think it made it easier for Fra and me to order food after some years of physics in the university- so we understood the alphabet :)
7. A lot of sailing boats from all around the world in the guest harbours.
8. Here we ate dinner 3 evenings in a row in Kefalonia, because this place was just so magical. Extremely good food, white tables with cute flowers, basically on the sea.
9. These 2 girls were so adorable, jumping after their balloons on the beach. The dark shadow behind is Albania.


Mont Blanc, Genève, Lyon, Grenoble, Torino - vacation part 6

Fra's mother Silvana, Fra and I decided to make a mini trip away from Milan as Milan was suppose to have 40 degrees celsius last weekend. We started with driving to Valle D'Aosta...

...and through the Mont Blanc tunnel.

The clouds over Mont Blanc were soooo increadibly fast! The highest top (4810 m) in Europe was of course paked with deep deep snow.

Then we arrived in Genève.

Such a boring place and continued our way to Lyon. When we parked at the hotel it started raining. And oh boy- it rained until we were back home the next day. So Lyon seemed a bit gray...

But the 3 of us squeezed under one big umbrella and walked for several hours around the city, every now and then popping into a shop, a church or a cafeteria to warm up.

In the evening we ate at a cute French restaurant close to this one, with the funny name:

The next day we had planned to go to Cannes, Nice and Monaco but because everything we had with us was completely and totally wet and because it rained also the next day we decided just to go back to Milan with a stop in Grenoble and Torino.

In Grenoble it rained so I didn't even get out of the car... this is what I saw:

In Torino we saw of course La Mole Antonelliana and just walked around on the streets...

And then we returned to Milan with completely wet clothes in our bag but happy to have missed the 24 hours of heat :)