
La Giannina di Giannini

For months now I have been wanting to buy a new espresso maker. My old one has been destroyed of frequent use, but it was not even that good to begin with. Good ones cost around 100 euro and that is why I have been slowly exploring the market instead of just grabbing one. I use it at least twice a day and that is why I want it to please my eye, to be easy to use and also to make great coffee.

A while back at Cargo & Hightech I saw an espresso maker called Giannina. I fell in love with it. I couldn't stop thinking about it. And now it is mine :) It is of stainless steal, weights tons and has no screwing mechanism, which I think is the best thing about it. So no coffee can get stuck between the screw threads which also makes it faster to be cleaned. The funnel-shaped filter that many other brands have in their espresso makers can usually be taken apart for washing. This irritates me as coffee often gets stuck there so it should be cleaned often... and in many models it is quite hard to get the parts apart!

... but the Giannina does not have this :) The funnel-shaped filter is already in 2 parts, which makes it easy to keep clean and the maker itself without scratches etc of trying to loose up the bottom.

The Giannina also has a 10 year guarantee. Have I praised it enough now? :) Here is my new love:


Anonymous said...

Saara en sådan kanna borde ju alla ha.
Jag önskar en till julklapp!!
Kram mam

Saara said...

Mamma, det är ju en espressokokare och inte en kanna :) men den kostar rumppan så du får nog vara riktigt riktigt snäll om du vill ha en ;)