
Back from Paradise

The trip to Corsica was amazing. The whole island is just so incredibly beautiful. I cannot still believe that all the things I saw was reality and not just a dream. The only thing that I am sad about is that I had a small, old pocket camera with me (due to the fact, that a bigger one wouldn't fit into this whole let's-be-nature kids-and-not-pack-anything-with-us- style of travelling). But I will put the pics on my coputer, go through them and tell you as much as I can :) But the nature and the sea and the mountains, gosh, a-ma-zing! And no turistic bullshit. Just real life. Soooo Great. Oh, and we run into Heidi Klum, Seal and the kids as well :) They happened to be walking outside the yacht they are travelling with this summer.

Resan till Korsika var alldels fantastisk och underbar. Jag visste absolut inte före resan att Korsika har en så vacker och orörd natur! Ja kan ännu inte ens riktigt tro att allting jag sett är verklighet! Havet var så genomskilnigt och turkost, bergen var formade på olika sätt tack vare sand, vind och vatten, inga byggnader, inget människan rört. Fantastiska färger och så riktigt, äkta liv, inget turistiskt.


Kwil said...

Looks amazzzzzzing. And to bump into Seal and Heidi! Wow.

Saara said...

Yeah, had to mention it as I was so star-struck, haha :)