
Minusta ei olisi lehdenjakajaksi mutta kylläkin kalatalousneuvojaksi!

Helsingin sanomilla on hauska testi, jossa voi testata mikä ammatti sopisi itselleen. Testiin pääset tästä. Minulle tulikin hauska top 10:

1. agronomi
2. maisema-arkkitehti
3. kalatalousneuvoja
4. metsätalousinsinööri
5. rakennusmestari
6. insinööri
7. arkkitehti
8. metsänhoitaja
9. arkeologi
10. lääkäri

Olisin jopa sopivampi upseeriksi, eläinlääkäriksi ja jopa terveystarkastajaksi kun siihen työhön mitä nyt teen.

Huonoimmat vaihtoehdot, huonoimmasta lähtien taas olisivat:

1. lehdenjakaja              
2. kirjailija           
3. puhelinvaihteenhoitaja           
4. elintarviketyöntekijä
5. arkistonhoitaja
6. yhdistelmäajoneuvonkuljettaja              
7. postinjakaja (postinkantaja)              
8. pianonvirittäjä
9. kielenkääntäjä
10. postinlajittelija

Hauskasti lihanleikkaaja 11 huonoimpana- sitä työtä kuitenkin tein kahden vuoden ajan :)



In every country, 
in every region, 
in every city 
there is always something positive about the place and for sure always something negative.
Rental apartments and rental contracts are for sure one of the negative things about Stockholm. The owner of our apartment decided to sell it so we need to find a new home.
We do not want to buy yet- for several reasons I will not get into right now- so we are again on this nerve wrecking market.
On the one hand, it's fun to check out apartments- I love to find cosy places, nice architecture, fantasizing about what life on that street could be like, check out interior details and where I could get my morning coffee... on the other hand it feels quite sad to leave a place that just started to feel like a home.



I have been searching for a warm, slightly sportive, and a sustanable parka in every shop and every web page. I thought it would have been an easy task- but I was so wrong. I like a lot Fjällräven's Greenland Parka in the pictures but IRL it is not warm enough. I would be ready to pay for a Canada Goose- but I just don't like the models. I even had a salesgirl get to me 3 diffent sizes of 3 different colours in all models to try out and I anyway thanked, smiled and left the shop. I checked out North Face, Napapijri, Peak Performance, Colmar, HH, Henry Lloyd, Barbour, Blauer, Houdini, Marmot, Haglöfs, Boomerang and well yo name it- all brands I could find around Stockholm. I googled and googled and then I fell in love with this amazing Parajumpers parka, which happens to be surprise, surprise some 5 year anniversary special edition with rabbit and racoon fur, leather details and costs more than one months rent. Ok. So if I have it like for forever and if it is really warm and amazing- why not invest in it? The problem is that not a single shop in Stockholm sell it. I would need to buy it online and I am not really sure I should, considering. Oh, what incdible problems there can be in developed countries on a Sunday afternoon.

We watched Django Unchained yesterday, by the way. I liked the movie- as I like any movie of Tarantino (Even though they always contain scenes that I don't dare to watch) but for me it was not so spectacular or amazing as I expected. The twists and shocking turns were already the theme in Inglorious Basterds. Don't get me wrong- I liked this movie more than anything I've seen lately. I love it that I could have pushed pause at any point and the stilled frame would always look amazing with just great scenery. I laughed a lot and the movie brought up so many conversational topics from history and the brutalnes of people...

What else.
- I read that Ikea has sold over 45 million Billy- bookshelves and I have never had one.
- I would really really really want to travel to Greenland. It should be easier (cheaper ?) now considering that Greenland belongs now to my work district- I am just not so sur how much lighting management is needed there :) but I will definately work on it a bit :)
- Marimekko has a red bowl I never heard of, which makes me feel as such an outsider from Finland.
- I love the new 30-20-10 cycling class at SATS- it's like made for me, who is unpatience and like cycling. And I hate ABSolution- it's more like a breakdance class for invalids than abs training!
- I think 50 shades of gray is such a bullshit book. How can it be so popular? I could recommend so many other books which would be more deep and smart and as sensual as that one. Even though I think Ryan Gossling should be Christian Gray in the movie ;)

Have a great start on your weeks and relax this Sunday evening! For me it means a spinning class, sauna, dinner with Fra and a Skype session with Martina.

Mustasta valkoiseksi.

Kun työpaikallani päätettiin viime keväänä että kaikille hankittaisiin iPadit olin onneissani. iPad on helpottanut suunnattomasti työskentelemistä ja etenkin työmatkailua kun ei keho kärsi ison, paksun läppärin kantamisesta ja kun asioita voi helposti esitellä kokouksissa ja messuilla... ja onhan se vapaa-ajallakin ihan kiva :)
... tosin suureksi pettymykseksi saimme jonkun HR-tädin valitsemat mustat paddat mustissa, oksettavan rumissa tekonahkakoteloissa.

Halusin kaunistaa tablettiani ja tein virheen kun ostin nahkaisen smart coverin, sillä se tummui hetkessä oikein rumaksi. 

Ja sitten koko työkalu tippuikin lattiaan ja lasi rikkoutui sirpaileiseksi.

Vihdoin sain otettua itseäni niskasta kiinni ja vein pädin korjattavaksi ja tiedustelin samalla onko mahdollista vaihtaa mustaa väriä valkoiseksi vai onkohan se liian iso remontti. Ei, ei, värinvaihto on ihan samanhintaista koska väri on lasissa kiinni minulle vastattiin ja niin paddani sai muodonmuutoksen. Olen siihen erittäin tyytyväinen!

Ja hankin tällä kertaa tummanharmaan polyuretaani smart coverin ja se ei vieläkään ole rumistunut tai vaihtanut väriä. 


På senaste tiden

Jag hade födelsedag.
Mamma skickade med födelsedagsgåvan också 2 stålhjärtan som jag nu har i krukor på fönsterbrädet.
Underbart att piffa upp lägenheten med tulpaner!
En annan födelsedagsgåva av Iina innehöll bland annat örhängen som fick massor med beröm :)
Lite skumppa i mina fina 20-tals skumppaglas för att fira :)

Så har jag en ny handväska.
På Arlanda fanns det ett trevligt nytt café som räddade en morgon från trötthet innan Luleå-flyget.
Beställde från StickyGram instagram-magneter till kylskåpet
Fick söta Marimekko Oiva skålar av Fra till födelsedagsgåva.


Life as we know it.

I was sarching online for some dresses to all the weddings (5 for sure, maybe 6!) we are attending this year and I found some cute online shops I didn’t know existed :) One is Ruche and one is the Pixie Market.


We went with work to Älvkarleby to have a conference. It was both nerve wrecking and hilarious. We had also the change to do some skeet shooting, try out some archery and spent an evening in a goahti.

I have felt so inspired lately. I have been reading from cover to cover my big idol’s amazing book and now our bookshelf is styled in order, there are new  baskets in the kitchen for sorting trash, I know exactly what I want for our home and we finally agreed on a couch table! I have an incredibly picky taste (I hate as much Ikea as ”tiny design boutiques”, I love custom made solutions)…

One evening was spent at Motwalls, one at Story Hotel, one at Pontus’- all with a good selection on food & drinks.

There are also a lot of trips to plan. During the spring I will at least spend one week in Austria, one weekend in Rome, a lot of bits and pieces in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark and hopefully a warm trip more south.

All pictures random picks from pinterest.


Sagan om Jerry

När jag flyttade till Stockholm dåförra sommaren fick jag naturligtvis en telefonnummer från jobbet tillsammans med min jobbtelefon. Sedan dess har jag fått telefonsamtal alltid då och då av personer som söker Jerry.

Julen har varit en rolig tid eftersom jag fått extra många God Jul hälsningar av totalt okända numror, "ät mycket julgröt nu, Jerry!" och andra söta.

Olika företag påminner om att betala räkningen och endel vill bara veta hur det är.

Jerry har varit ett så roligt mysterium nu i över 1 års tid att flera av mina vänner har också börjat fråga uppdateringar på vad som händer i Jerrys liv då. Vem är han? Vad gör han? Är han en kändis och därför bytt nummer? Lever han ännu eller varför slutade han använda numret? Föll telefonen i viken på midsommaren? Allt vad man hinner fundera över...


...Idag fick jag ett SMS från ett företag där de hade skrivit Jerrys efternamn och e-post adress och nu vet jag vem han är! ! ! Jag hittade honom på Facebook och vet redan en hel del, hur gammal han är, hur han ser ut, vad han jobbar med och var han bor. 

Så Jerry-mysteriet är löst. Nog för att jag skrev till honom på Facebook och berättade denna historia- vi får se om han svarar :)


Una settimana a Milano

1. Typical balconies of Italy
2. Typical Italian breakfast. All cafeterias have brioches with chocolate, marmalade, cream and nowadays also with almonds.
3. Old cashina
4. The lovely Navigli area. In winter time it's almost as great as in summer time... in winter time there is sun in the days so the numerous cafeterias and bars can be enjoyed and in evening time there are the really beautiful Christmas lights.

I was in Milan for a week. It was great. I left my cameras at home so I don't have much to show and the pics I have are from my phone... Nevertheless, the week was filled with a lot of nice program. We celebrated New Year's Eve at a friend's house together with 17 others. It was a nice evening with an italian style megadinner. I think I'm still full from it :) 

Then we had that nice afternoon with Ilaria, Jack, Ilaria, Pepo, Roberta, Ale, Francesca and Fra drinking hot chocolate and playing Alias - girls against the boys - and we girls won :) 

I finally met Edoardo, Sonia's and Giovanni's son and I built a fort with Milo.

1. Sonia's and Giovanni's apartment is my favorite one... there are 2 gigantic terraces, nice cosy rooms, arches and all surfaces have new materials. And they have a lot of nice colors and patterns.
2. Milo in one of his forts. He is so intelligent. With his superheight and intelligent comments nobody would believe he is only 2 years old.
3. Edoardo.
4. Nonna Nancy and me. 

Fra's amazing nonna from Sicily was at their place for the holiday's as well. She and I talked for hours about recipes, how to make hairdos, politics, knitting, well- you name it.  

Then there was this great evening with Simone, where we sat down on the couch after dinner, started talking and BOOM! it was 2 in the morning.

1. Cashina Cuccagna, a dog and child friendly place that works as a bar, cafeteria and restaurant. We were there for an aperitivo.
2. Noemi, just returned from her trip to the Alps
3. Nadra and Milo
4. Army with a movember gone long...

We had an aperitivo with Nadra, Army, Milo, Noemi and Fra in a place with the cutest dog I've ever met. 

A beer with Claudio at Tortuga, a coffee with Anna and Odd at Nero Fondente talking about Equador and Tromsø and an evening with the relatives...

Some shopping. Some torroncino. Some panettone. A lot of red wine.

... Sonia's birthday and there was suppose to be Giulia's birthday and a dinner at Roby's and Ale's but at that point I was in bed in fever.

1. That's me in some restaurant in my new red lipstick
2. The roof of California Bakery. Fra and I had a cup of tea there before I hit the shops on Corso di Porta Ticinese (where is nowadays also a Stradivarius!) and Via Torino.
3. A funny wall painting on Corso di porta Ticinese.
4. I got these earrings as a Christmas gift from Sonia and Giovanni. They are from this cute little shop called La Zacca and made by a Japanese woman who also gives courses in various arts. I have gotten several things from this shop as presents during the years and now I finally visited it. So my origami jewellery collection is growing.