
Saturday- A picture every hour

07:20 waking up to a weird feeling under my pillow. My finnish friends had hidden my favorite candy all over my apartment and I hadn't noticed that I had also one under my pillow... :)

08:30 breakfast with Fra. Fresh strawberries and chocolate tea.

10:00 taking my recyclable garbage to the recycling place where I just had to take a picture of this cute old man admiring the sunny day!

11:00 stopping at a shop on our way to Germany. We found in the shop something hilarious! Culina Mediterannea! Hahahah :) In Italian Cucina = kitchen, cooking, cuisine and Culinaria = Culinary, but Culina Mediterranea means a small Mediterranean ass! :) :) :)

12:00 a toast and a beer in Friedrichshafen.

13:00 a picture taken at the Zeppelin Museum of Friedrichshafen. It was fun to finally visit it but I have to say it was a museum of nothing, as they didn't have any real interesting pieces of a zeppelin, just stories, pictures and movies.

14:30 walking around the town. There was a nice lookout tower, but I didn't climb up the stairs, because my dentist had forbidden me to get a high pulse during the weekend after my wisdom tooth operation. I waved from the ground instead :)

16:00 afternoon coffee at aran. It's a chain of cafeterias with a very nice interior design!

17:30 shopping for herbs in a flower shop. We decided to take herbs with us to Sonia & Frank, who we had a brunch with in München on Sunday. Herbs are nicer than flowers, in my opinion. They look adorable and you can eat them :)

19:00 moment of relax. Fra reading a manly technical magazine, me watching the 16th season of ANTM and both enjoying a glass of delicious wine (Thanks Jaana, Meri and Hanna!). In the 16th season of ANTM the girls have to walk on a catwalk with their hands and the catwalk on fire :)

20:00 cooking dinner. Shirmps and soya; turkey with rosemary, white wine and lemon and a salad with nuts, avocado, tomatoes and basil.

A very relaxed and nice Saturday :)
Did you have a nice weekend?


Ei huonompi mäki

Oon ihan pikkasen kateellinen :) Oon ollut töissä yli 10 tuntia päivässä sillä välin kun rakkaat ystäväiseni ovat tällasissa olosuhteissa:

Interior design brainstorm

I was reading the other day the blog Avec Sofie and she instead had blogged about this Design Sponge blog that I simply couldn't stop reading. Or actually looking at, since it is filled with sneak peak pictures of gorgeous homes. Inspired of this I started to brainstorm on how I would like my home to be.

First of all, I love old maps and I would like to have a huge one, old, almost fainted in color on the wall. Another thing that I have a soft spot for is map globes.
tad & jessica carpenter's home

I also love tiles. I would like to have white and dark brown tile walls with a warm and serene light design to give it some feeling.
rob brinson & jill sharp's home

I love photographs and I also have many of my favorite ones in frames. I like photographs much more than paintings. This is also a funny idea for wall art :)
erin austen abbott + sean kirkpatrick's home

I like to read a lot and a reading corner like this would be great! I would like all the people who live in the apartment to choose a chair and a reading luminaire that they like and to mix the different styles together like here.
from the blog "Pupulandia"

I love the mix of whitly painted wood and oak colored wood. I simply love the colours!
katie quinn davies' home

Besides pictures I like posters in a good graphical design. I would not want the whole house to be filled of them but for example a wall by the entrance could look really nice with some funny posters.
jen mankins' home

I like this setup of clean white, glassy surfaces as working tables. I could imagine two big apple screens and a colorful cup of tea. I would love to sit there and brainstorm light design ideas or read adorable blogs :)


A day in the mountains

My Finnish friends went to ski and snowboard to St.Anton. It was a great weather for them! Fra and I felt that we also need to get a feeling of the mountains so we walked again up to Karren. So up there:
On the way up we saw cable cars and a bunch of other people enjoying the weather. 
I used Jaana's longer lens to take pictures and it was fun to search for my house at 976 meters below the sea level, but I have to say that I really need to buy longer lenses, because it was so much fun here in the mountains!
A very nice day I have to say :)


Lento-ongelmia ja cupcake-nenäliinoja

Jaana, Meri ja Hanna saapuivat Münchenin kentälle suoralla lennolla Helsingistä mutta vain puolet suksipusseista ja laukuista mukanansa. Taas siis lento-ongelmia! No tytöt selvittelivät asioita ja minä menin ostoksille. Hankin kalenteriini lisää tarroja, ihania cupcake-nenäliinoja ja söpöt alushousut.
 Lentokentällä luvattiin että laukut tulisivat seuraavalla lennolla iltapäivällä niin lähdimme syömään lounasta ja juomaan kahvia ihan somaan pieneen kahvilaan:
Siskokset Jaana ja Hanna: 
Ja Meriä vähän harmitti, kun laukut puuttui vielä sen jälkeen, että oli lähtenyt bussilla Turusta kello 4 aamulla... 
Mutta Meri joi tosi kivannäköisessä pullossa olevan colajuoman :)
Saimme sitten loputkin laukut ja pääsimme takaisin Itävaltaan. Nyt pizzalle, olemme sen ansainneet!



As I said, it has been raining. So I opened the if- design awards page and went through what fun I could find there. Here is my top-list :)

Furoshiki bag 2
I like this idea a lot, that you can form the bag according to what you have inside it :)

Oon Candlemaker
This is such a thing that I am still a bit stunned. The Oon candlemaker recycles used cooking oil into candles!

Teknion Conflux LED luminaire
It is more than just a luminaire. This thing has an infrared sensor, so it can sense body heat and turn itself on when a user needs it. It has also a charger for electronic devices. That also worls wireless.


It was such a nice weather in the past few days so I was walking in the mountains every day. Today it rains though and everything is so gray. So I am hanging out in my OnePiece jumpsuit, watching ANTM season 16 and enjoying my new teacups and bowls.... and mentally preparing to get 3 girls as my company for the next 9 days :) :)



Här i byn var jag bor har man firat en konstig helg, vinterns häxa har blivit uppbrunnen och nu skall det då vara vår. (Alltså de bränner på riktigt flera meter stora häxdockor på brasor som är högre än hus!). Vårkänslor har jag nog haft redan i en vecka, eftersom det har varit +15 grader och jag har kunnat packa bort vinterkläderna!

Detta veckoslut har Fra och jag då njutigt av naturliv. Igår gick vi upp till Karren varifrån bilden är tagen. Det var underbart att gå upp, det kändes i alla muskler som en ordentlig träning... neråt var det dock lite svårare för knäna började verka i att gå ner för branten. 

Idag gick vi på andra sidan bergen och hade piknik lunch med en vacker utsikt över Österrike, Schweitz och Tyskland. Vi åt omelett, drack rödvin och till efterrätt torkade frukter och te. 

Jag antar att jag årkar jobba igen en hel vecka efter veckoslutets intag av frisk luft! :)



37° is a cafeteria/restaurant/bar/shop in Lindau, Germany. Mum and I found it by accident, while we were walking past it on our eveningwalk on Thursday. The place is filled with old, cute furniture, old tables and cupboards with all kinds of fun things to buy (cups, clothes, baskets, books etc) and different lamps and art hanging from the ceiling and on the walls. We drunk there some sparkling wine and I bought 2 cups they had by the counter. Cups that are old and used, so the whole place works in a very flea market kind of way. I took some pictures, but they are of superbad quality, as I tried to take them secretly :)


Afternoon walk

After my workday today I felt that I just had to get out. After half a week of being sick and a few days in the office, it felt amazing to walk in the mountains. The view was not bad either! And I saw a cutest thing! A mum, her 3 children and their pet lamb taking a walk! A lamb!!! :)