Even if I am angry with how EasyJet treated us, I had an amazing weekend in Barcelona. The weather was warm (+18 degrees Celsius), the sun was shining, no rain, perfection. We had a luxurious 4-star hotel and we had enough time to see the city. We visited Gaudi' s amazing buildings, the lovely Parc Güell, the Picasso museum. We sat by the sea looking at sailing boats. We ate fresh fish. We ate tapas. We drunk litres of delicious sangria. And I also paid some visits to great shops.
Easy Jet? Never Again!
To all of my readers and to anyone who will google Easy Jet and finds this page,
Please consider twice before travelling with EasyJet. I will tell my story, because I believe in good customer service and I believe in companies that makes profit on honest business methods. What I hate mostly on earth is rudeness, liars and companies that only want money, without caring what their business actually is.
I flew from Barcelona to Milano, Malpensa yesterday (27/2/2011, flight EZY2768). At the airport of Barcelona four EasyJet airport personnels were working with the rudest manners I have ever heard of. I hope EasyJet will provide some customer service training for the personnel, because in this way customers will choose other flight companies.
EasyJet promises that you can have a hand luggage on the airplane. As all of us passengers had. In the exact size as is allowed. For some reason, the airport personnel wanted to take all hand luggage in the airplane’s hold. This was not informed to us in any nice way, but the personnel started to take the baggage from our hands and put stickers on them. When we in the queue had questions about what was happening to our belongings the personnel answered rudely “I’m not interested, I’m just doing my job” and “You are too many so we have to take your bags!”. So imagine yourself in this situation, you have a bag with your own precious things, a guy rips it off your fingers and when you ask what he is doing, he answers " I’m not interested, I’m just doing my job" !!! You don't know why he does it and you wouldn't want a stranger just taking your stuff. This is anyway what happened.
I think in situations like this it would be proper to explain to the flyers, make it up to them, take care of them and not just rudely act like bandits.
The screen on the airport said “boarding” at the time when it should have started to board the passengers. We all made a queue and waited to get on the plane. Except that the plane was not there. It hadn’t arrived yet. We did not know this as it was not informed in any way so we had to queue for an hour! I can assure you that it is not fun to just stand and wait without knowing the timetable.... for whole 60 minutes!
When people started to ask the personnel if they knew when we would leave, they didn't give a proper answer. Only rude comments like "wait and shut up".
Can't EasyJet inform about times as other flight companies? Couldn't we have had the possibility to sit, have a coffee or sleep?
When the airplane finally arrived and the passengers’ came out from it, the personnel started to check our passports and boarding passes WITHOUT letting us into the plane, as the other ones came out. So after our checks we were left in the waiting area, as like before. When we finally could board, no checks were done again. So anyone could have walked into the plane, as nobody was checked anymore and people who were sitting on benches and hadn’t shown their documents boarded the plane without being registered. This seemed all very unsecure and caused a bit of fear in passengers. Was this procedure even legal?
When we finally landed, way too late and walked to the baggage claim I got an even bigger shock. My hand luggage came towards me on the claim looking as if it would have been on a wheel (?) as it was worn completely, big holes in the canvas, a bit burned on the edges, my jeans hanging out as small pieces of trash, my underwear black and dusty. The bag was without wheels and torn from the middle.
I want to inform that after this kind of experience I will never fly with EasyJet again. I will gladly pay 40-50 euro more for a flight company that takes care of me, speaks to me politely and does not destroy my belongings.
Likes and dislikes
I have certainly had better days than this one (the only good thing was the lunch with Jenni). So, when I came home from work I thought about my mother. She always finds a way to enjoy anything. She never drinks water from a boring water glass, but a glass with a foot and a sweet pattern. She never eats ordinary food on a monday, no, mondays are party evenings with delicious things. She thinks that we only live once and that's why we should enjoy. So why would I then let my day be crap?
I started to read a magazine that Iina gave me, poured champagne in my light pink memento-glass and started enjoying. In my champagne bubbly mood I started packing for the weekend trip and I have to say it looks a bit romantic and girly:)
Everyday Life,
The Chic Style
Tour de Bodensee
Sunnuntaina oli sateinen sää, joten päätimme Iinan kanssa viettää päivän autossa. Ajoimme Bodensee-järven ympäri ylläolevan kartan mukaisesti. Lähdimme siis aamupalan jälkeen Sveitsiin, Rorschachiin ja siitä jatkoimme Hornin, Arbonin, Romanshornin, Altnaun ja Kreuzlingenin kautta Saksaan Konstanziin. Konstanzissa söimme oikein maukkaan pizzalounaan kauniisti sisustetussa Italialaisessa ravintolassa. Lounaan jälkeen ylitimme Bodenseen autolautalla Meersburgiin, josta ajoimme veden rajaa pitkin Friedrichshafeniin. Kaupungissa olisi ihan söpöjä katuja ja mm. Zeppeliner-museo mutta huonon sään takia jatkoimme matkaa höpötellen ja nauraen. Friedrichshafenista ajoimme Lindauhun katsellen kauniita peltomaisemia. Lindaussa vein Iinan lempikahvilaani sateiseen sunnuntaihin sopivalle iltapäiväkahville. Leikin uuden kamerani kanssa ja Iina sai toimia mallina. Iinan naamasta on ainakin 100 kuvaa kamerassani, eri asetuksilla otettuna. Tosin mikään kuva ei ole laadullisesti hyvä koska ei oikein mikään kamera poista sateista, harmaata ja sumuista ilmaa kuvista. Matkalla oli ainakin superhauskaa ja tapasimme outoja ihmisiä, kuten tarjoilijan joka ihmetteli nukkumisrytmejämme, tytön joka rakensi korttitalon ja miehen, joka halusi tekemänsä Apfelstrudelin valokuvaan ?!
Everyday Life
Dagens Outfits
Stövlar: Vagabond
Klänning: H&M
Tröja: Zara
Klocka: DKNY
Smycken: gåvor
Nagellack: O.P.I
Skor: New Yorker
Byxor: Sisley
Tunika: H&M
Tröja: Zara
Scarf: H&M
Örhängen: VÅGA
Klocka: Swatch
Dagens Outfit
Suddigt i Ulm
Iina och jag åkte till Ulm för att spendera en eftermiddag. Ulm var täckt av dimma men vi hade riktigt mysigt där :) Vi shoppade allt möjligt, åt en stor portion god mat, drack kaffe och tittade på domkyrkan och Donau. Iina hittade en underbar blommig klänning och jag söta tennistossor.
Everyday Life
Omistettu Pialle
Terveisiä Pialle. Kun Iina ja minä pääsimme Ulmiin kauppakadulle, arvaa missä vietimme eniten aikaa? No kynäosastolla kokeilemassa kyniä tietenkin :)
Shop til u drop
Iina saapui perjantai-illalla seurakseni ja toi mukanansa Marimekkoa pahimpaan Suomi-ikävään. Marimekkoa, saunaa ja piimää ikävöin kovasti. Iina toi myös mukanansa uuden kamerani, Nikon D3100:sen :)
Kiitokseksi vaivannäöstä vein ihanan Iinan aamupalalle, jota Iina vaikutti arvostavan. Sitäkin on muuten ikävä, Iinan ja mun Helsinki-aamupalatreffejä. Sain siis siihenkin lääkettä :) Ja hyvä oli syödä iso aamupala ennen Ulmiin lähtöä, sillä saimme todeta, että Saksan autobahnalla voi olla ruuhkaa....
Dornbirnin keskustassa oli taas aamutori :) Huomaa siis, että kevät on tulossa. Ellei jo täällä.
Everyday Life
Koko alkuviikko meni työmatkalla ja nyt vihdoin saan huilata viikonlopun ajan. Ihanasti saan vielä Iinan seuraksi :) On muuten hauskaa miten piristäviltä kevään kukkakuosit tuntuvat, en ole kykenyt olla käyttämättä uutta huivia ja korviksia, ne tekee mielen niin iloiseksi. Iloiseksi teki myös äidin lähettämä pitsitunika. Ja iloiseksi teki myös se, että työmatkakumppanini ihastuiovat salmiakkiin. Pidän ihmisistä jotka pitävät salmiakista, etenkin jos eivät ole suomalaisia :) Vein eilen kolleegoilleni pienen valikoiman erilaisia salmiakkirasioita, kun itsellä on kaapit vielä ihan täpöten täynnä. Niin ja vielä iloiseksi tekee sen, että illalla saan uuden järjestelmäkamerani :)
Toivottavasti teillä on kaikilla iloinen viikonloppu!
Everyday Life
Onpahan ollut työpäivä. Kahden kolleegani kanssa alettiin aamuvarhain ajamaan Pohjois-Saksaan, jossa olemme työskennelleet koko päivän. Vasta nyt iltayhdeksältä pääsimme tuomaan kamppeet hotellille ja nyt olisi lähtö ulos syömään- päivän eka ateria. Olemme jossain superminikylässä ja hotellikin on ihanan soma. Katsokaas nyt puisia huonekalujani, pienessä komerossa. Tulee ihan lapsuuden kotini vinokatto-huoneeni mieleen :)
Everyday Life
bohemian chic
We got nice weather to Austria too. It was yesterday possible to be outside in a light jacket or just a thick sweater :) Fra helped me out and we cleaned my whole apartment. We also went to IKEA to buy some boxes to put everything in order. In the afternoon we had a nice coffee in the centre of this small village where I live. When Fra went to the hairdresser's I decided to start my bohemian-chic-spring-inspiration going. I bought new sunglasses, a scarf with flowers and some earrings :)
The Chic Style
Love and other drugs is one of the most adorable movies I have ever seen. I love it. See it! I has even Fatboy Slim's Praise You, my favorite "oh-now everything is good-but-soon-something-bad-will-happen" song in movies. And no, it's not just a normal chick flick, it's so much more.
As I mentioned in the previous post, the museums had a free entrance in Milan last weekend. Since the 900-museum's queue was unbearable we decided to spend Sunday afternoon at the Design Museum.
We visited the continuous exhibition with Italian design objects, everything from Dolce & Gabbana's tour clothes for Madonna to the Ape car and all kinds of chairs, shoes, tableware and paintings. My favourite thing in this exhibition was Bialettis first moka- espressomaker from 1933. I really liked the design.
One funny exhibition was FunCoolDesign™ by Joe Velluto. He had designed objects, of nice materials, without a function. The objects could have been anything and that was the fun of it, you got a lot of ideas watching them, but in reality they were just...objects. I liked the design of them and also how the exhibition was made.
The third exhibition we saw was called the Graphic Design Worlds. I like to watch graphic design, but the thing I least like on earth is to read bullshit about it, I mean analyses about why some text is as some text or some picture as it is and what is the deeper meaning of it. I love to watch greatly designed graphics but let's leave it there. And while walking around the exhibition (and skipping the analyses) I got really inspired. I saw many nice things :)
Everyday Life
Committed to Milan
Under veckoslutet i Milano var det förbjudet att köra med bil inne i staden. Samtidigt var det gratis inträde till alla museer. Jag vet inte om dessa två faktorer hade någonting att göra med varandra men båda ansåg jag vara bra ideer. Jag hade inte varit i centrum på länge och ville köpa lite underkläder från La Rinascente så Fra och jag åkte metro till centrum. Medsamma ville jag se La Rinascentes aula som Fra designar nu beysningen till :)
It was not allowed to drive by car in the centre of Milan in the weekend. All the museums had also free entrance. I have no idea if these two things have anything to do with each other but I found both ideas quite good :) I hadn't been in the centre for a long time and as I needed some underwear from La Rinascente and at the same time I wanted to see the ground floor that Fra is designing the lighting for.
Nära Duomo och La Rinascente finns Höpli, min favorit bokbutik i Milano...och vad fann jag där ?! Jo någonting jag inte ens visste att eksisterade, nämligen en uppföljare till en av mina favoritböcker: Eat, Pray Love. Jag köpte boken genast och log ännu i timmar över mitt fynd :)
Next to Duomo and La Rinascente is Höpli, my favorite book store in the city. And what did I find there, a book I didn't even know that it existed: the sequel of Eat, Pray, Love! I bought it immediately and smiled for hours.
Vi ville besöka 900-museet men kön var jätte lång. Efter en stund märkte vi att den inte rörde ssig någonstans så vi åkte till Via Marghera med spårvagnen och åt en supergod glass i solen.
We wanted to visit the 900-museum but the queue was superlong. We noticed that it didn't move at all so we decided to go to Via Marghera by tram and enjoy a good gelato in the sun.
Gelateria Marghera är en god bas glassplats. Alla glassmaker är väldigt väldigt goda, priserna rimliga och designen på platsen är fin. Jag har några andra favoritplatser i Milano men Marghera finns nog i top 5. På vintertid minskar de en aning på glassmakerna och fyller vitrinen med efterrätter och chokladpraliner men nu märkte man att säsongen börjar eftersom glassen hade börjat ta över :)
Gelateria Marghera is a good basic icecream place, not only known for good icecream but also the delicious desserts.
Everyday Life
One more thing that is amazing with spending the weekends in Italy- oranges! Fra's dad packed this box in my car before I drove back to Austria yesterday eve. They had so many boxes like this so he needed to get some of them away. Funny how someone's "problem" can be luxurious for others. I am at least superthankful as my mornings are now amazing, when I can make fresh juice from these... :)
+17, skönt så sjutton!
Ah, vilket veckoslut! Jag bestämde mig i perfekt tid att börja så småningom vårsäsongen eftersom veckoslutet i Milano var soligt och underbart. Vi hade till och med +17 grader varmt :) Solen gassade och det var underbart att ta en promenad i landsbygden samt äta en glass i solen :) Ett väldigt bra sätt att ladda energi till kommande arbetsvecka...!
Everyday Life
Dagens Outfit
Stövlar: boutique i Milano
Jeans: Oviesse
Tunika: Orsay
Kavaj: Zara
Jag har begravningstid av mina vinterkläder. Skall använda alla svarta och gråa plagg än en gång före jag ställer dem i förråd och vänta på nästa vinter. I fötrra inlägget kan du se hurdana kläder jag drömmer om att få klä mig i om några veckor....för då börjar våren, tycker jag!
Dagens Outfit
Saara's Spring
I wrote in the last post about my outfit, that I am now living in the funeral weeks of my winter clothes. I am so DONE with this season. I planned that after my trip to Barcelona I will start to wear spring clothes, no mather what. I don't care what the weather is outside, I really don't care. Welcome navy, stripes, contrasts, pastels, flower prints, ballerinas and trench coats. Goodbye blacks, greys, wool and thick scarves. Here is a preview of what I am dreaming of...
Stripes/ Navy with red contrast
Girly Florals
I hope I could find something nice in the Spanish brands Mango, Massimo Dutti and Zara. At least their campaign pictures look promising...
The Chic Style
Dagens Outfit
Päätin juuri, että Barcelonan matkan jälkeen alkaa sitten kevät. Ihan sama miltä tuolla ulkona näyttää, niin matkan jälkeen alan pukeutua värikkäisiin, kukkakuvioisiin, pastellinvärisiin, raidallisiin kevätvaatteisiin ja unohdan villapuserot, mustat, ja harmaat. Nämä muutamat viikot ovat siis talvivaatteitteni hautajaisaikaa. Kuten tämä tän päivän asu.
Skor: en boutique i Ravensburg
Jeans: Oviesse
Sommarklänning: New Yorker
Tröja: Zara
Scarf: Mulberry
Smycken: Gåvor av Fra
Dagens Outfit
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